How Comfort Works
When being spoiled, our brain tries to preserve energy and it goes about it in a very simple way: when we have the ability to sit all day on the couch and eat junk food, we WILL sit all day on the couch and eat junk food. Only when we get pushed into really bad situation we start slowly taking responsibility.
But this doesn't prevent us from the consequences of our actions. We are setting ourselves up to suffer even more, because our comfort bubble is an illusion. It leads us to much more problems with our health, job and can even affect our family. In order to not feel depressed or sad, we constantly try to find balance between comfort and reasoning. We start using different kind of excuses to rationalize our irresponsible behaviour.
Vacation Mindset
The idea of vacation mindset, is something that we settle ourselves up to. By being productive during the day and then taking vacation.What ends up in that we constantly keep looking forward to it. We have adopted mindset that tells us that we need to work in order to be worthy a while of comfort. But the key is to realize that we can do the right thing all the time. Resting, taking care of ourselves, working out.. All those are important to keep having positive impact in our lives.
Will we truly feel more comfortable by aiming for a pleasant life? Comfort can’t provide safety forever, it’s not because we are closing our eyes that we won’t crash into the wall.
Our individualist society made us believe that we are some kind of superman, detached from our environment. We grow up to score good points, to be better than others. We are strongly attached to the idea of who we are. But it’s just a story.
Our experience is a product of our neural activity, nothing is external. If we truly understand that, we realize that the need for validation comes from us wanting to feel better about ourselves.
When we are kids, we look for the approval of others, like our parents or teachers. It allows us to learn some skills and see what is “good”(eating veggies) or “bad” (eating rat poison). As we grow up, we build our identity around what our social circle think about us. We think that we are this identity. This is when approval seeking becomes validation seeking.
In general, only our parents really care about us. They grow us up, which makes us seek their approval. But they see the world through their own eyes. If they grew believing that conventional education and diplomas are super important, they will want us to get a degree. They want the best for us. As a result we get to marry, to have kids, we buy a car and a house… all that because we live through their approval. Once we become aware of this, we can begin to take our life into our own hands.
In the current real world, nobody cares about anybody. In a conversation, they take turns to talk, but nobody really listen to each other. People also care about how they look, taking validation from an inconsistent source.
The validation needs to come from ourselves. It’s much better to feel connected to the real essence of what we are, to stand up for who we are. We have the potential to grow, inspire others and be a good person. That’s what brings about true confidence.
Friendships are often built upon a connection. If that connection fades away, so does the friendship.A good example of this is how most of our school friends disappear after graduating because the connection that created the friendship was school.
From an evolutionary standpoint, love serves an important function. It is something that binds us as a social group. Our need for affection started in our need to survive and our need for sex came from a need to reproduce. And even though these things are crucial to our survival making them our core foundation will result in issues and ironically unsuccessful relationships.
If we break up with our partner, we tend to blame them for the outcome of the relationship. But there is two sides in a relationship, we are always part of the problem. We have to be able to understand our emotions and fall back on ourselves. If we need to be dependant on our partner the relationship will never end well. We shouldn’t beat ourselves up over a breakup and move on with our lives.
There is an issue when we need to define Family. Is it only our parents, brothers and sisters to whom we are related by blood? People get raised by non-blood related people also and consider them as their family. How do we choose one person over the other? Sometimes, we grew up with people, but they still backstab us. We then see our whole world crumbles.
Relationships shouldn’t be used as a foundation for ourselves, it should be a part which is build on the foundation. That’s how we can become the best parents, partners and friends.
When you have Family as a core value you probably really attached to your family and do everything to please your family members even if it goes against yourself.
It's widely understood that logic is our most powerful ally in understanding and approaching reality. More than a cold and blunt instrument for calculation, it is the closest thing to a force that holds our universe together.
Our advances in physics continue to reveal a mathematical framework underpinning anything and everything in our reality. Without these consistent patterns, nothing would exist. Without its exquisite dance of aeons of genetic iterations, we would not be able to think or feel.
We often see logic as the opposite of emotion, but instead it is the engine of our emotions and it provides reliable answers when we are frustrated or confused. Logic is what creates rhythm or structure, it is fundamental in the melody of music and the colors and symmetry of flowers. It creates biological machinery so intricate and rich that they become self-aware, capable of love and selflessness and able to observe the majestic logical patterns that created them.
We can trace our origins and the molecules in our body back to the stars in which they were created and see that we are all connected. Over billions of years, these molecules configured themselves into complex units that we call human beings.
These units are like cells in the body of humanity, wired to evolve and move it forward. This is why we have a deep desire to find meaning, to find an existential equilibrium: evolution has fundamentally programmed us so that we want our beliefs to align with reality. Logic is, in a sense, the prime directive of our consciousness. We must value it as such if we want to break free from the clutches of hollow reward mechanisms.
Everyone of us values their safety. The way that translates itself is based on how we grew up.
A person that grew up in a Catholic family will think that being a Catholic provides his safety. If the person grows up to be a Muslim, he will think that being a Muslim provides him his safety.
The way to achieve safety that has been taught to us in our childhood, will be what we value the most. With that point of view, comfort is easily explained as settling with what already provides us safety and holding onto that.
Safety is bound to the practical reality, which implies things like having food, warmth, a house and so on. Without these objective acids, we would die.
Whenever our health is impaired, if we get sick for example, our safety is seriously threatened. There is no arguing against simple facts that define our true safety.
We don't make the connection in ourselves because we value the safety society gives us, more than the objective reality. 2,000 years ago, mothers would sacrifice their youngest child to avoid an upcoming famine. It was a well known idea and gave them only an imaginary sense of safety. Obviously many of them still died, even though they felt secure.
One can say this attempt to avoid famine is pure insanity, yet we overlook the fact that we do it all the time. That's why many of us can eat unhealthy food and still get safety out of it. Not because it's real, but because we belief in something that goes against ourselves.
According to neuroscience, happiness is the consequence of our neural networks being in resonance with each other. We are happy when our brain experience hardly any dissonance.
Some have the illusion that their consciousness is what decides what they want. If it was the case, the only thing we would need is wanting to be happy...and we would be happy! But it's the subconsciousness that decides it. If we connect to our subconsciousness, we can understand how to be happy.
Being caught on the flaud idea of happiness as a goal takes you away from being happy. Happiness is a side-effect, a consequence of your lifestyle.
When we say: "I want to be happy", it's because of our lack of understanding of what happiness is. If we try to be happy, it goes against the balance of our consciousness. As a result, we become unhappy.
When we have happiness as a life's purpose, we are destined to hit a wall and be depressed or sad. We are creating a concept that can't resonate with the rest.
Very happy people don't know why they are happy. They just live a very fulfilled life, and as a result, they are happy. They are not chasing it!
The true purpose is not happiness. It's moving forward, evolving, doing what is right. If our goal in life is to do what is right, we will be happy by doing it. Unlike having money, or comfort as a goal, we can't rock bottom. We can always do what is right according to our reference frame, without having the feeling of dropping out anything, and even get rewarded for it.
Nowadays we like to blame religion, refer to it as the root of all evil. But it is neither good or bad. Religion has a purpose. It is to unify us. Not in some idealistic way but just to allow a complex social structure to exist. And it served its purpose for a long time.
Nevertheless, it is an outdated system. In today’s everchanging world, where being flexible and adaptive are the core things needed, religion struggles a lot. It makes us get stuck in beliefs which are disproven by simple facts. Resulting in inner conflict, often making us deflect reality, disabling us to reflect on information that is right in front of our faces.
Still some of us get lucky and manage to do good even when adopting beliefs of religions. But the odds of long term success of these beliefs doesn’t look promising.
Instead of God or any other religious beliefs we can commit to logic. To the patterns that bring about our reality. We do not fully understand logic. That’s why, on a subconscious level, we accept that the answers we have now is only a fraction of truth. In doing so we free ourselves from absolutes that are present in so many religions. We give ourselves a lot of room to improve, to grow, to remove the noise in our heads that even religions struggle to deal with.in.
Core Values
Core value is concept that is connected to reward center in your brain, concept that you value the most over other values. It’s easy to spot your core value when you think about your past choices because you can clearly see that you do things for your current core values Core value is concept that is connected to reward center in your brain, concept that you value the most over other values. It’s easy to spot your core value when you think about your past choices because you can clearly see that you do things for your current core values Core value is concept that is connected to reward center in your brain, concept that you value the most over other values. It’s easy to spot your core value when you think about your past choices because you can clearly see that you do things for your current core values Core value is concept that is connected to reward center in your brain, concept that you value the most over other values. It’s easy to spot your core value when you think about your past choices because you can clearly see that you do things for your current core values
Core value is concept that is connected to reward center in your brain, concept that you value the most over other values. It’s easy to spot your core value when you think about your past choices because you can clearly see that you do things for your current core values
Specific neurons and neurotransmitters such as nor-epinephrine, trigger a state that can be described as having an ‘active ego’ when we feel that our own thoughts have to be protected from the influence of others. If we are then confronted with differences in opinion, the chemicals that are released in the brain are the same ones that try to ensure our survival in dangerous situations.
Sometimes debates go on endlessly because people keep expressively resisting differences in opinion. It’s because of an active ego. When we're in this defensive state, the more primitive part of the brain interferes with our rational thinking, the limbic system can even knock out most of our working memory, physically causing us narrow mindedness. At this stage, no matter how valuable an idea is, the brain struggles processing it. On a neural level, the reaction is the same as if our life would be threatened, even if the perceived threat only is a harmless opinion or a fact that would benefit us.
Ego can be stronger or weaker depending on how we grew up. For example, it can be channeled through low self-esteem. Having low self-esteem makes us distrust everyone i.e. we feel threatened, so our ego is constantly active. An active ego can also manifest to strengthen our identity.
In communication, being aware of an active ego can help us to convey our message better. If we are able to understand the person and see the world through their eyes we can carefully try to walk “around” the ego. And if it doesn't work then it’s easier to make the decision to not put time into talking to them anymore as we know that the ideas won’t reach them anyway.
Attachments are products of Identity, it's things that people identify with and don’t want to change them even when the attachment is damaging their life. Example: being attached to your family member will result in huge emotional crisis when something bad happen to that person. Detaching from something doesn’t mean that we stop feeling any emotion toward this thing, we will still feel the same but we are able to let it go and change.
Because of Probabilistic nature of universe, there is no such a thing as absolute truths. we can't be completely sure of anything. Dogmas and absolute truths are product of binary thinking. Truth always depends on the framework and context.
Judging or labeling people is a way to condense information. By doing so, we speed up the process of evaluating whether a person or situation is beneficial or harmful to us. This has been relevant to our survival, where quick decisions could make the difference between life and death.
Today we still judge people with our first impressions and use labels to condense information more efficiently. The downside is that we can easily miss out on information by prejudging or generalizing others. Jumping to conclusions influences the way we listen and communicate and can disable us from seeing the full picture. In worst case scenarios it can lead to ignorance, racism and other forms of discrimination.
From an early age, we are taught to use labels and judgments to compare ourselves with others. It starts with our parents telling us to be as clever as our siblings or to get better grades than others and can lead to an inherent feeling of not achieving enough. This lack of confidence and trust in ourselves can easily bring about a fake identity with ambitious goals that are not ours. Socially conditioned beliefs that tell us how to be happy and successful are then fueled by a validation-seeking mentality that has us constantly comparing ourselves with others.
We are better off though comparing with our own best version of the self. This brings about an awareness that motivates growth and is more in line with what we are. Seeing reality for what it is and giving people the benefit of the doubt enables us to grow towards our own full potential rather than trying to be like others.
We tend to want to be moral beings that have a certain moral high ground, where we adopt things such as equality and freedom. Freedom itself is also very contextual: Are we free to go to the moon? Are we free to jump off a building and fly? We’re always limited with the context we have to begin with. True freedom does not exist. The topic is rarely discussed in a serious manner, because it can be quite disturbing. To understand it better, we have to also ask ourselves the questions:
- Is a dictator truly free, while he enslaves people?
- Are we free to smoke, when it goes at the cost of the health of others?
- Are we free when it goes at the cost of someone else's freedom?
It is easy to see that freedom comes always with responsibility. Yet in society freedom is glorified as a universal right. If the first cell on earth would have had the freedom to not replicate, we wouldn’t even exist. An action but also inaction has its repercussions. It can inhibit us from reaching our true potential.
Responsibility is the extent to which the knowledge of the consequences of our actions translates into actual actions. On a personal level, if we are not aware of those consequences, then we can say that we are not responsible.
We can't blame a child for actions which he doesn't even understand the consequences of. But as we grow older and gather more knowledge, we start creating a paradigm that makes us capable of understanding. As a result, we become more and more responsible, to such a point that we have the responsibility to act in a way that doesn't go against what we are.
The extent to which we are responsible directly relates to our level of knowledge and awareness. No one holds us accountable if a child is dying without us knowing about it. The situation changes though when that same child is in front of our doorstep and we are aware of it.
Taking responsibility is what gives life its meaning. Instinctively we know what responsibility means and how to act accordingly, yet many people tend to make [excuses] to not act responsibly.
Inaction, that leads to death, with us knowing the inaction that we're doing is what we're doing every single moment. We CAN do something about the world, and by our actions, be a significant inspiration to others.
We like to say: “We are inherently selfish”, but we don’t put too much thoughts into such statement. We do find evidence showing that we are selfless right in front of us, but because we are looking through “lenses of selfishness”, we deflect the evidence.
All it takes is just to compare ourselves to cells in our bodies. They don’t act selfishly, they cooperate. We are cells as well just a little bit more complex. We cooperate each day, we are parts of complex social structures which allow us to exist. In the end the privilege to act selfish only is available because cooperation. Without cooperation being selfish wouldn’t be possible.
The idea of being selfish is just us deciding to be blind and enjoy the fruits of selflessness. As parents take care of children, we should also take care of our environment, try to contribute to humanity.
Choiceless Awareness
Choiceless awareness is the knowledge that in reality we don’t have the choice, we always will chose most logical option in order to be consistent. From this awareness actions that are most impactful flow naturally. In order to develop choiceless awareness you need to understand insights on this site, understand our purpose, and then try to be consistent with it. You also need to know that freedom is self contradictory concept because it cannot exist without responsibility. Once you understand that it will become part of your awareness.
If we apply logic and reason to our insights in order to determine our actions, choiceless awareness arises. We simply do what we have to do.
This can sound confusing but when considering all the input that reality presents to us, determining the best course of action is a process that becomes very linear. Even when presented with different choices that are similar, choosing one rather than being stuck is more effective.
These choiceless moments are omnipresent in our life but we don’t experience them as such because we take them for granted. A mother taking care of her child for example, or having to go to the store to buy food are things we do naturally every day. Our actions flow out of our mindset without being paralyzed by the abundance of choice. Because if we look at things rationally and efficiently, much of the choices fade away.
Acting upon common sense and adjusting these actions based on reality is a very simple mechanism we have lost track of, due to the overwhelming presence of distractions. We can see this with people in remote villages for example, who experience very little distractions as life is very simple to them.
This translates to more mental clarity and being in the moment. If we don’t make it about ourselves and just use our logic, there is no choice, we can only do the best thing.
We can branch reality to three concepts:
- Intersubjective reality
- Objective reality
- Subjective reality
The intersubjective reality is defined by what many people value. It is easily confused with the objective reality, which leads people to have a worldview far apart from what it actually is. It can turn paper into money. We feel that money is real, even though its value is given by people.
The real value of money is given by the objective reality. We can buy food, medicine, a house with it. If you have all the money in the world, but can't buy anything with it, it's suddenly worthless.
Subjective reality is the one we experience. For the objective reality to exist, you need a subjective reference frame. We can’t even experience space and time without it.
What we value in the intersubjective reality is the practical safety it gives us through objective reality. Without food, we would die, for example.
Things such as gravity are part of the objective reality: it applies for everyone. They are independent from our wishes, we can like or hate them, they'll still apply. When our ideas are in line with the objective reality, we can truly provide for our own safety. Understanding logic, the consistent patterns that bring about our reality, is the path to it.
When we are in a privileged situation, we can easily waste our time thinking about our insignificant problems. It goes at the cost of our ability to help these other people that are really struggling. What keeps us busy should always be the real problem of the objective reality.
Logic a consistent patterns that bring about reality. It’s the reason why we evolved from stardust to what we are now and thanks to logic itself we can better understand reality and ourselves.
It's the reality that we experience. It may differ from the objective one because of dysfunctional beliefs or just limitations of our perception.
When people are asked what the biggest problem in their life is, most of them often state laziness, procrastination, depression or loneliness (among others). But what is the core issue at hand? If we deeply think about it, being lazy or depressed is not the actual problem, for they are merely a symptom. It might sound paradoxical at first but it seems very likely that the core issue of all our problems (and the suffering that they cause) doesn’t rise from the problem itself, but from our obsessive need to value and chase good experiences over everything else.
In the same way a heroin addict desperately seeks his next shot, we are craving for the next injection of good feeling, not finding fulfillment.
Scientific studies show that acts of selflessness counteract depression. Happiness induced by physical pleasure fades away rapidly, but doing something meaningful builds a lasting increase in fulfilment. Even if we only care about ourselves and do everything for selfish reasons, the best way to go about it would be to act upon this insight.
It can be helpful to accept death on an existential level and let go of experience. That means to think about our personal death in an authentic manner. The knowledge that we are going to die creates the focus we bring to being alive. We will have a much easier time to detach ourselves from our own mental construct of who we are and realize that we were born in a much bigger picture.
The moment we stop chasing for better experiences, we realize that giving is what makes us most fulfilled and instead of fearing death we become more afraid of a meaningless life.
Feedback Loop
Surprisingly, most scientists do theorize that consciousness is not simply inside our brain. Consciousness is generally considered to be an emergent phenomenon of the brain.
Meaning consciousness happens when enough activity takes place in the brain in a way that can be compared to how music emerges from a record player.
The music is not anywhere to be found inside the record player. Intuitively, we tend to say the music is on the record, but even there we really only find a circular vinyl disk with peculiar grooves, it does not produce any sound or music at all.
It is only when the mechanisms of the record player are activated in a certain way that all its activity produces an emergent phenomenon that we call music.
Consciousness is somewhat similar, we can't physically locate it at one point or in one area. And if we zoom in on the grey matter of our brain, we find as much evidence for consciousness as we find tiny marbles inside a molecule, which is none at all.
Yet when billions of neurons fire and communicate with each other, the combination of this enormous amount of activity creates a phenomenon that is consciousness.
Circle of Influence/Concern
The circle of concern contains things that we don’t have control over, like asking ourselves “was 9/11 an inside job?”. The circle of influence contains things that we have under control (saving lives, changing your lifestyle, spreading awareness). We should focus on the circle of influence, to start thinking in solutions rather than problems. If we are not thinking in circle of influence, we are part of the problem ourselves.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore perferendis tenetur iusto, a nesciunt, culpa qui facere, quo sapiente esse consequatur laboriosam eligendi maxime voluptatum eveniet aliquid pariatur corrupti animi!
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore perferendis tenetur iusto, a nesciunt, culpa qui facere, quo sapiente esse consequatur laboriosam eligendi maxime voluptatum eveniet aliquid pariatur corrupti animi!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore perferendis tenetur iusto, a nesciunt, culpa qui facere, quo sapiente esse consequatur laboriosam eligendi maxime voluptatum eveniet aliquid pariatur corrupti animi!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore perferendis tenetur iusto, a nesciunt, culpa qui facere, quo sapiente esse consequatur laboriosam eligendi maxime voluptatum eveniet aliquid pariatur corrupti animi!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore perferendis tenetur iusto, a nesciunt, culpa qui facere, quo sapiente esse consequatur laboriosam eligendi maxime voluptatum eveniet aliquid pariatur corrupti animi!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore perferendis tenetur iusto, a nesciunt, culpa qui facere, quo sapiente esse consequatur laboriosam eligendi maxime voluptatum eveniet aliquid pariatur corrupti animi!
By zooming into the most basic building blocks of what our brain is made of. If we peer into the individual molecules our findings become counter-intuitive. We will not bump into any kind of marble-like structures that high school physics classes taught us are the tiny particles everything else is made of.
The electrons, the quarks, all the fundamental particles are not solid objects. Thinking of them as somehow tiny spheres is a convenient simplification, but it does not represent the fascinating reality of this strange quantum void. The only things that exist here are waves. Waves that behave similar to vibrations of sound or ripples in water. But rather than oscillations of matter, the peaks and valleys of these quantum waves are not made of anything tangible, they are waves of probabilities. Their peaks reveal the areas where there is a high probability of detecting the energy of what we may call an electron. Their valleys indicate that the chances there are much lower. As bizarre as it may sound that the building blocks of our universe seem to behave according to chance rather than being intuitively predictable, this is not just a theory. It's a simple fact that can be tested and observed with nothing more than a laser pointer and a comb to replicate part of the famous double-slit experiment.
The principle at work is that if we can not know where a particle is, it exists only as a probability wave that tells us where the particle is more or less likely to be found. And only when we take action to measure where the particle could be, the wave will suddenly cease to exists and the particle reveals itself. The particle has no defined location until we make the measurement.
This is why we say that light, for example, is both a wave and a particle. But this quantum weirdness does not just apply to light, it applies to all the particles that everything is made of. It even applies to molecules. If we fire super-tiny rocks (visuals show C60 molecule) instead of photons, they'll behave like waves when we're not measuring them. We intuitively believe our universe consists of solid stuff. But in reality, all of it, from the neurons in our brain to the galaxy we are a part of, is the result of probability waves and particles that pop in and out of existence
All this weirdness led Einstein to famously say: "Do you really believe the moon is not there when you are not looking at it?". But no matter how weird it is, quantum theory and all experimental evidence reveals that our universe is inherently probabilistic and things within it can not be predicted with 100% certainty. This doesn't mean that science cannot make accurate estimates as to what is more or less likely. The mathematics and statistics of quantum physics reveal that the seemingly random oscillations that make up our reality are still deeply and perfectly consistent patterns. Many of our modern technologies, such as solar panels or microprocessors, would not have been possible if we had not decyphered much of the intricate and unique behavior of quantum mechanics.
Binary Thinking
Absolute truth are dangerous. If someone believes God is absolutely true, there is nothing that we can do to convince him otherwise. Nothing is absolute, even our own existence. We need to give a room for failure.
Why are we here? Where do we come from? Who created the big bang? We'll never have an absolute answer to that. If we really understand that, we will begin to think more practically.
If we ask people about defining intelligence, they will all give a different definition: intelligence is knowledge, intelligence is processing power, intelligence is recognizing patterns... Those people have a different concept connected to the world "intelligent".
Many have a bad emotion connected to lying. Does lying is always wrong? In certain case, a lie can be helpful, everything is relative to a context. By thinking about concepts in a more complex way, we are less involved emotionally toward something like murder, war or religion. We can't say it's just right or wrong.
All these insights can help us see the world as it is, in all its complexity. It's a big support to begin thinking in probability. It has a more important consequence. We start looking at our impact, we don't really care whether something is right or not, because we can't be sure anyway. We start thinking practically. We start [doing the right thing].
Result oriented vs outcome dependent
Being result-oriented is important as it allows us to measure our efficiency. But as with everything in life, most of the time it comes down to random events. We can make the most calculated decisions and things can still turn out for the worse, and vice versa.
We can play the lottery for example and win, thinking we did the right thing. But being outcome-dependent is a very different mindset than being result-oriented. Ultimately, the outcome shouldn’t matter and the only relevant factors are the knowledge at that point in time combined with our logic. We can learn things from an outcome such as how to optimise our workflow but it shouldn’t affect us emotionally.
Let’s say we are outcome dependent. Then whenever we make a logical choice, if it doesn’t work, we will think that we can’t trust logic. This is flawed. It had a chance to work and another to not work. We were just not lucky. We can never be certain.
When we reflect and look back at our decisions, we shouldn’t regret them if we did the best we could with the information available to us at that time. Being result-oriented rather than outcome-dependent allows us to achieve a very peaceful state of mind as it contributes tremendously towards mental stability and focus.
It’s like playing aces and already come to an acceptance: with the information we have, we are ahead of any other combination of cards, but we can still lose even if we make the right playsIf, when we do an action, we think of all possible outcomes, we can’t be surprised by any of them. This is a really strong foundation that makes us able to accept all the possible consequences of our actions before we take action.
Positive Impact / Doing the Right Thing
Having the ‘biggest impact’ means different things to different people. Some may see their biggest possible impact as ensuring that their children grow up with more opportunities than they had themselves, others may think along the lines of eradicating polio or creating new technology that turns sewage sludge into clean drinking water.
Despite all of this being relative, there is an effective common ground for how to go about achieving what we want. The more reasonable we are, the easier it is to decide the best course of action. Learning from our mistakes and from the knowledge at hand, we can greatly speed up the process in getting better results..
Working out, eating healthily, taking the right supplements, meditating, proper sleep, putting ourselves in an environment that stimulates us, reducing the mental clutter, and looking for like-minded people to make the biggest positive impact we can think of in relation to the situation we are in.
For many, making a big difference in the world starts by becoming financially independent and our mindset is key in achieving this efficiently. After that, we will be in a better position to figure out what to do and how to put this into action.
We have a huge impact by spreading our knowledge as it ripples through society. The knowledge that we keep to ourselves dies with us.
Everything that is, follows consistent, mathematical patterns. Being in line with them brings about consistency. That is what we all strive for and what life is about.
We need to realize that we are not an static but rather constantly evolving, ever-increasing entity, that's why we keep existing. That is our true goal and purpose as a superorganism. It's not about our own life, just like it's not about a single cell in our bodies. It's not about ourselves or about our experience.
Experience evolved as an evolutionary tool with survival value, just like the eyeballs or the opposing thumb. It helped us to thrive even more through the ability to constantly learn and correct ourselves, but the “Happiness” experience became the distorted goal in society we are ought to chase. This is the main reason why we are inconsistent with our true nature and the cause of all our duality and inner conflict.
We as the current existing expression of the universe are desperately trying to find balance and solve this conflict. We bring more consistency within the framework of what we are by doing what is right and that simply means taking care of other people and helping each other to move forward. The world's future depends on us, everyone of us and no one else because we are the ones who define the consistency around us.
Performative Contradiction
Stating ”I am dead” is, for example, a performative contradiction. Because in order to make the statement you need to be alive. The contradiction occurs when an assumption goes against the circumstances which allow the creation of the statement itself.
Sometimes we tend to assume that our theories and beliefs are more important than reality. But we only assume this because of our lack of understanding. Whenever we make an argument, we must be aware that we want to come up with a conclusion that is more accurate to the setting of reality. If this is ignored, all kinds of conclusions can be made. But our ability to make assumptions is only possible in the framework of our existence, of this reality we live. So when making assumptions we can’t ignore it, or we would be going against our own existence.!
Performative contradictions are often present in our daily lives too. When we make judgments about other people, we can’t forget the fact that they probably haven't been able to come to the same conclusions we did. So first we need to be able to project ourselves in the reference frame of other people and only after that we can make assumptions about their behaviour. Their situation must be truly understood.
A hypocrite is a person that judges someone else for something he himself does. Hypocrites often commit performative contradictions.
For example, judging chinese people for eating dogs while the judger eats meat himself. The premise of this example is that it is bad to hurt animals, but the person judging is himself hurting animals. So his statement is contradicted by his actions.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore perferendis tenetur iusto, a nesciunt, culpa qui facere, quo sapiente esse consequatur laboriosam eligendi maxime voluptatum eveniet aliquid pariatur corrupti animi!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore perferendis tenetur iusto, a nesciunt, culpa qui facere, quo sapiente esse consequatur laboriosam eligendi maxime voluptatum eveniet aliquid pariatur corrupti animi!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore perferendis tenetur iusto, a nesciunt, culpa qui facere, quo sapiente esse consequatur laboriosam eligendi maxime voluptatum eveniet aliquid pariatur corrupti animi!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore perferendis tenetur iusto, a nesciunt, culpa qui facere, quo sapiente esse consequatur laboriosam eligendi maxime voluptatum eveniet aliquid pariatur corrupti animi!
If we look at evolution, it's not so hard to roughly imagine how life started here on earth. 4 billion years ago, a unique series of coincidental probabilities occured that led to the existence of very simple biological cells that could replicate. These were the first forms of life. As they replicated, subtle differences between the old cells and the new cells would crop up, mutations would take place. We see it in the genetics of offspring with every lifeform known to us and we can trace it back in the remains and fossils not just of animals and plants, but sometimes even of bacteria of as far back as 3.5 billion years ago. Microscopic crystals and fossils provide us a glimpse of life on earth before the first plants or even algae emerged.
Over billions of years of replicating and mutating, these biological mechanisms found more and more sophisticated ways of growing and spreading. The tiniest initial differences such as offspring with a coincidental protein molecule that is sensitive to sunlight would end up with eventually more beneficial mutations over many generations. 4 billion years is a very long time. Enough for extremely sophisticated results such as the human eye to emerge from origins as simplistic as a single light-sensitive protein molecule. As a result, even our most advanced technologies are often still no match for some of the mechanisms that has taken evolution aeons to engineer.
Everybody has exactly the same meaning, the same purpose. The complex processes of evolution shaped us from a single cell into what we are now. We are a part of the evolutionary process which designed us, our purpose is to evolve.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore perferendis tenetur iusto, a nesciunt, culpa qui facere, quo sapiente esse consequatur laboriosam eligendi maxime voluptatum eveniet aliquid pariatur corrupti animi!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore perferendis tenetur iusto, a nesciunt, culpa qui facere, quo sapiente esse consequatur laboriosam eligendi maxime voluptatum eveniet aliquid pariatur corrupti animi!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore perferendis tenetur iusto, a nesciunt, culpa qui facere, quo sapiente esse consequatur laboriosam eligendi maxime voluptatum eveniet aliquid pariatur corrupti animi!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore perferendis tenetur iusto, a nesciunt, culpa qui facere, quo sapiente esse consequatur laboriosam eligendi maxime voluptatum eveniet aliquid pariatur corrupti animi!
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore perferendis tenetur iusto, a nesciunt, culpa qui facere, quo sapiente esse consequatur laboriosam eligendi maxime voluptatum eveniet aliquid pariatur corrupti animi!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore perferendis tenetur iusto, a nesciunt, culpa qui facere, quo sapiente esse consequatur laboriosam eligendi maxime voluptatum eveniet aliquid pariatur corrupti animi!
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When people think about conditioning, the overall perception is that although it influences our actions we are still in control.
We have the tendency to ignore the impact of our environment when we look at ourselves and take many processes that have been fundamental to our development for granted. This ranges from the language we speak to how we define concepts or even the emotions we experience when we think about things. This then translates into our body language, our intonations and ultimately the culture we feel part of. All these processes are in one way or another conditioned and being aware of this can highly increase the control we have over ourselves.
An elephant grown tethered to a stake by a small chain, trained to obey commands, will believe it cannot break free, though it would be easy to do. Like that elephant some of us believe that we cannot do anything. We go through life with the illusion of control not knowing that we are being pushed around.
10 Years ago we a thought to put a picture along with some thoughts on internet where everyone will see it wouldn’t even cross our minds. And now even our grandparents have Facebook accounts. Same way in a few years selfies became a cultural norm.
We don’t question these beliefs and that’s why we don’t see that some of them are flawed. The more we understand and become aware of conditioning the better our ability to correct the flawed believes becomes. It is like installing a clean up software in your brain that deletes all the deprecated and harmful files. Building a strong logical framework is an effective way to gain back control of our actions.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore perferendis tenetur iusto, a nesciunt, culpa qui facere, quo sapiente esse consequatur laboriosam eligendi maxime voluptatum eveniet aliquid pariatur corrupti animi!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore perferendis tenetur iusto, a nesciunt, culpa qui facere, quo sapiente esse consequatur laboriosam eligendi maxime voluptatum eveniet aliquid pariatur corrupti animi!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore perferendis tenetur iusto, a nesciunt, culpa qui facere, quo sapiente esse consequatur laboriosam eligendi maxime voluptatum eveniet aliquid pariatur corrupti animi!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore perferendis tenetur iusto, a nesciunt, culpa qui facere, quo sapiente esse consequatur laboriosam eligendi maxime voluptatum eveniet aliquid pariatur corrupti animi!
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore perferendis tenetur iusto, a nesciunt, culpa qui facere, quo sapiente esse consequatur laboriosam eligendi maxime voluptatum eveniet aliquid pariatur corrupti animi!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore perferendis tenetur iusto, a nesciunt, culpa qui facere, quo sapiente esse consequatur laboriosam eligendi maxime voluptatum eveniet aliquid pariatur corrupti animi!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore perferendis tenetur iusto, a nesciunt, culpa qui facere, quo sapiente esse consequatur laboriosam eligendi maxime voluptatum eveniet aliquid pariatur corrupti animi!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore perferendis tenetur iusto, a nesciunt, culpa qui facere, quo sapiente esse consequatur laboriosam eligendi maxime voluptatum eveniet aliquid pariatur corrupti animi!
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We grow up in a society where we are getting fed (sometimes, at brute force) certain responsibilities that are not aligned with reality. And the way we cope with it is by creating a framework of excuses, by learning from the excuses of others as we grow up.
As a result, almost everyone shares an unspoken rule of irresponsibility: "I accept your excuse, you accept my excuse". It's self-amplifying. Sometimes, we even go to the extent to try and convince our friends to smoke or drink, so that we are in a better spot to make an excuse.
To put it more simple: in a world where everyone is making excuses, we develop our own ray of excuses to remain in line with it. It's an entire culture of excuses.
And the funny thing is: everyone knows it. Whether it is by eating meat, believing in God or ignoring the misery around the world, we all know we are making excuses because we are constantly confronted with reality. Even simply saying "I just don't care" is another excuse. Caring is irrelevant when it comes down to taking action and its consequences. Things just are the way they are.
When we are fully honest with ourselves, we understand the consequences of our actions and we don't make any excuses. None. When we do that, only reality is left. We act merely based on our understanding of the consequences and we automatically start doing what is right. This is what "choiceless awareness" really is. And the only thing disconnecting us from it is the number of excuses that we make.
For example, when we have a child and we have to take care of it, we just do it. The same applies if we need to sleep or eat. We don't make excuses because, on a fundamental level, we understand the relation between the action and its consequences.
The question then becomes "How can I do better?" instead of "Can I do better?" This is the difference between a visionary and someone who ends up achieving nothing.
And everyone understands this. We understand that being responsible is making sure that our actions in life don't go against life itself. It all boils down to honesty and we can literally start now. We don't have to lie anymore. If we stop giving yourself excuses to stop eating healthy, we just start eating healthy. That's it. There is not even an effort. The effort is only in overcoming your excuses. When we realize this, all duality and conflict in our minds fade away.
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Rhetoric is the art of constructing arguments and counter-arguments.
If we are not adept at rhetoric, we can more easily be intellectually subdued. If we talk to someone about a specific topic and the other person’s rhetoric is more advanced, we are likely to fall short of finding ways to counter the arguments. And even though questioning our beliefs is important, if it is not the insights or facts within the arguments that convince us but rather the rhetoric, it can lead to adopting flawed beliefs.
This works especially well when the flawed beliefs are easier to live by. On the other hand, being very competent at rhetoric ourselves can also be a danger. If we are unaware and use it to shield ourselves off from other people's beliefs, we might take advantage of a flawed argument someone gave us to dismiss everything this person has said, even if points were made that we could learn from.
Another risk of having a strong rhetoric is that we have an easier time claiming the higher moral ground with how you are able to frame things. This gets people to validate us intellectually, making it easier for us to feel at ease being passive. In the end, actions speak louder than words. As long as we are aware of this, we will prefer to lead by example rather than winning debates.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore perferendis tenetur iusto, a nesciunt, culpa qui facere, quo sapiente esse consequatur laboriosam eligendi maxime voluptatum eveniet aliquid pariatur corrupti animi!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore perferendis tenetur iusto, a nesciunt, culpa qui facere, quo sapiente esse consequatur laboriosam eligendi maxime voluptatum eveniet aliquid pariatur corrupti animi!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore perferendis tenetur iusto, a nesciunt, culpa qui facere, quo sapiente esse consequatur laboriosam eligendi maxime voluptatum eveniet aliquid pariatur corrupti animi!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore perferendis tenetur iusto, a nesciunt, culpa qui facere, quo sapiente esse consequatur laboriosam eligendi maxime voluptatum eveniet aliquid pariatur corrupti animi!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore perferendis tenetur iusto, a nesciunt, culpa qui facere, quo sapiente esse consequatur laboriosam eligendi maxime voluptatum eveniet aliquid pariatur corrupti animi!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore perferendis tenetur iusto, a nesciunt, culpa qui facere, quo sapiente esse consequatur laboriosam eligendi maxime voluptatum eveniet aliquid pariatur corrupti animi!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore perferendis tenetur iusto, a nesciunt, culpa qui facere, quo sapiente esse consequatur laboriosam eligendi maxime voluptatum eveniet aliquid pariatur corrupti animi!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore perferendis tenetur iusto, a nesciunt, culpa qui facere, quo sapiente esse consequatur laboriosam eligendi maxime voluptatum eveniet aliquid pariatur corrupti animi!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore perferendis tenetur iusto, a nesciunt, culpa qui facere, quo sapiente esse consequatur laboriosam eligendi maxime voluptatum eveniet aliquid pariatur corrupti animi!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore perferendis tenetur iusto, a nesciunt, culpa qui facere, quo sapiente esse consequatur laboriosam eligendi maxime voluptatum eveniet aliquid pariatur corrupti animi!
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore perferendis tenetur iusto, a nesciunt, culpa qui facere, quo sapiente esse consequatur laboriosam eligendi maxime voluptatum eveniet aliquid pariatur corrupti animi!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore perferendis tenetur iusto, a nesciunt, culpa qui facere, quo sapiente esse consequatur laboriosam eligendi maxime voluptatum eveniet aliquid pariatur corrupti animi!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore perferendis tenetur iusto, a nesciunt, culpa qui facere, quo sapiente esse consequatur laboriosam eligendi maxime voluptatum eveniet aliquid pariatur corrupti animi!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore perferendis tenetur iusto, a nesciunt, culpa qui facere, quo sapiente esse consequatur laboriosam eligendi maxime voluptatum eveniet aliquid pariatur corrupti animi!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore perferendis tenetur iusto, a nesciunt, culpa qui facere, quo sapiente esse consequatur laboriosam eligendi maxime voluptatum eveniet aliquid pariatur corrupti animi!
True self-awareness is about understanding how the brain works and how our emotions are brought about. It is not about the thoughts, it's about being able to relate them to a point where it connects with our awareness. The moment we do that, knowledge and thoughts turn to knowing and awareness. We achieve a state of mindfulness and embrace the present.
Everything boils down to awareness. Our ability to be less impulsive, to take our actions into our own hands and to make decisions that are more in line with what we think. It is what defines our ability to be able to process this information and putting it into practice. It is a cornerstone of being human and the manifestation of what we are.
When our emotional part of the brain and our rational part of the brain align, our self-image becomes aligned with our true self. We don't experience inner conflicts. We don't think about all these ideas anymore and we don’t require discipline or motivation to get into action. We just act.
Working out, eating healthy, sleeping enough, meditation... By doing these things, reflecting on our lives become easier. We become more aware of our choice and gain more control over our lives.
Through evolution, morals developed, because a sense of caring for each other is more effective for our survival. They changed drastically during the history of humanity. Only 100 years ago slavery was accepted in society and a thousand years ago rape wasn’t seen as bad either.
With our fast progress, new moral problems arise that need to be solved. Religion does a fairly bad job at achieving this, due to its archaic and static nature.
For example, most of religions state that lying is undoubtedly bad. If we imagine that telling the truth to a child would result in its death, most of us would say that it is immoral to tell the truth to the child. There is no real moral high ground.
Even laws can be against morality. During war, society can crumble and turn humans into monsters. Even today some people state, that the refugees that drowned in an attempt to flee from conflict, did deserve to die.
Some get attached to certain philosophies in order to make themselves feel more secure and intelligent. But philosophy has the flaw that it seeks absolute truth, even though science shows that it might not even exist. Science has progressed so much, that it can even give a profound moral compass, without depending on the opinions of many.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore perferendis tenetur iusto, a nesciunt, culpa qui facere, quo sapiente esse consequatur laboriosam eligendi maxime voluptatum eveniet aliquid pariatur corrupti animi!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore perferendis tenetur iusto, a nesciunt, culpa qui facere, quo sapiente esse consequatur laboriosam eligendi maxime voluptatum eveniet aliquid pariatur corrupti animi!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore perferendis tenetur iusto, a nesciunt, culpa qui facere, quo sapiente esse consequatur laboriosam eligendi maxime voluptatum eveniet aliquid pariatur corrupti animi!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore perferendis tenetur iusto, a nesciunt, culpa qui facere, quo sapiente esse consequatur laboriosam eligendi maxime voluptatum eveniet aliquid pariatur corrupti animi!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore perferendis tenetur iusto, a nesciunt, culpa qui facere, quo sapiente esse consequatur laboriosam eligendi maxime voluptatum eveniet aliquid pariatur corrupti animi!
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore perferendis tenetur iusto, a nesciunt, culpa qui facere, quo sapiente esse consequatur laboriosam eligendi maxime voluptatum eveniet aliquid pariatur corrupti animi!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore perferendis tenetur iusto, a nesciunt, culpa qui facere, quo sapiente esse consequatur laboriosam eligendi maxime voluptatum eveniet aliquid pariatur corrupti animi!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore perferendis tenetur iusto, a nesciunt, culpa qui facere, quo sapiente esse consequatur laboriosam eligendi maxime voluptatum eveniet aliquid pariatur corrupti animi!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore perferendis tenetur iusto, a nesciunt, culpa qui facere, quo sapiente esse consequatur laboriosam eligendi maxime voluptatum eveniet aliquid pariatur corrupti animi!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Labore perferendis tenetur iusto, a nesciunt, culpa qui facere, quo sapiente esse consequatur laboriosam eligendi maxime voluptatum eveniet aliquid pariatur corrupti animi!
Amygdala hijack
The Amygdala is the more primitive part of the brain located deep within the temporal lobes of the brain. It is responsible for memory/decision making and emotional reactions. When we touch a hot pan our immediate reaction will be to take our hand off the stove before we are even rationally aware of it.
An Amygdala Hijack is an immediate and overwhelming emotional response out of proportion to the stimulus because it has triggered a more significant emotional threat. As a result it interferes with the rational part of the brain. This leads to irrational behaviour and a lack of the ability to think about our actions before we act upon them. (image: reason is in jail, and amygdala is the keeper) When our amygdala is activated our body is flushed with the chemicals, adrenaline, cortisol and norepinephrine which help our body react to excitement or stress. The same chemicals that are released in the brain as the ones that try to ensure our survival in dangerous situations. In this defensive state, the more primitive part of the brain interferes with rational thinking and the limbic system can knock out most of our working memory, physically causing narrow mindedness.
We see this in the politics of fear, in the strategy of poker players, or simply when someone is stubborn in a discussion. No matter how valuable an idea is, the brain has trouble processing it when it is in such a state. On a neural level, it reacts as if we're being threatened, even if this threat comes from harmless opinions or facts that we may otherwise find helpful and could rationally agree with.
How to avoid it?
We can teach our prefrontal cortex to inhibit our amygdala and have a control over it. We can try analyzing the situation when possible, from a 3rd person perspective. Doing this repeatedly will strengthen the neural connections in the prefrontal cortex allowing us you have more control over our behaviour.
Dissonance is a feeling of discomfort. It arises when there are multiple contradictory ideas in the brain or when an action of a person goes against his/her belief. Telling ourselves to not drink on a party but ending up being drunk will cause dissonance. Our brain is constantly trying to resolve dissonance to reach a state of resonance.
Holding two conflicting beliefs will make us reject one to have a peaceful state of mind. Believing in god and having atheist ideas will result in inner conflict and the desire to resolve it.
It is the foundation of our will. Without it, we wouldn’t have the drive to do anything. We feel discomfort when we get hungry and the result is a drive to resolve it. Therefore we will start thinking about eating. It is very simple but yet so important to understand. We can easily spot our own hypocrisy by knowing this concept. Doing one thing and believing another causes dissonance.
Feeling dissonance is a good thing, we can analyze and understand it, by questioning what we already believe in. When we start finding flaws, it will allows us to correct our believes to take the right direction in life.
Most of our actions and thoughts happen subconsciously and conditioning lays down the foundation of these processes as we grow up. We accept them as part of our identity and personalize them so we feel unique and special.
No Center One of the most baffling observations in neurology has been that some experiments seem to reveal two distinct personalities or streams of consciousness present in our brain, one in each hemisphere. Surprisingly, only one of the two can talk. Under the right conditions, neurologists have even been able to ask questions to each hemisphere separately. Resulting in cases where a person would say he is not religious when asked in conversation. While when this person sees the question in writing, the mute hemisphere responds by writing down its own answer, in some cases disagreeing with the other hemisphere. Many more experiments that reveal similar results indicate that this is more than a random oddity or hallucination, but instead some legitimate level of split or double consciousness taking place in our brain.
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Recent neurological research has confirmed the existence of empathetic mirror neurons. When we experience an emotion or perform an action, specific neurons fire. But when we observe someone else performing this action or when we imagine it, many of the same neurons will fire again as if we were performing the action ourselves.
These empathy neurons connect us to other people, allowing us to feel what others feel. Since these neurons respond to our imagination, we can experience emotional feedback from them as if it came from someone else. This system is what allows us to self-reflect.
Almost everyone has empathy, yet nobody takes action because it is a primitive, limited and outdated tool. It helps in situations where we see someone that needs help in front of us, but when somebody shows us statistics of kids that are starving in the world then empathy is not triggered enough to make us take action.
One of the most important aspect of being empathic is truly listening. Which means listening to the other person without any attachments to our own worldview or emotions, completely projecting ourselves in what the other person thinks and is, making us able to see the world through their eyes.
The human brain is a network of approximately one hundred billion neurons. Different experiences create different neural connections which bring about different emotions. And depending on which neurons get stimulated, certain connections become stronger and more efficient, while others may become weaker. This is what's called neuroplasticity.
Someone who trains to be a musician will create stronger neural connections that link the two hemispheres of the brain in order to be musically creative. Virtually any sort of talent or skill can be created through training.
Experiments show that, not only action, but also imagination significantly affects our neural connections. A musician can physically alter the brain's structure to become more skilled at, for example, playing the piano, simply by thinking about it.
Rüdiger Gamm, who was a self-admitted "hopeless student", used to fail at basic maths. He went on to train his abilities and became a famous "human calculator", capable of performing extremely complex mathematics. Rationality and emotional resilience work the same way. These are neural connections that can be strengthened. Whatever you are doing at any time, you are physically modifying your brain to become better at it. Since this is such a foundational mechanism of the brain, being self-aware can greatly enrich our life experience.
When we are depressed, all we are doing is training ourselves in becoming better at being depressed. The best way to get out of depression is to shift the neural activity to other parts of the brain, that make you fulfilled and more happy. That’s why one of the most successful methods in helping depressed people is putting them in an environment where they help others.
Reward Center
The reward center is a circuit of different parts of the brain that are responsible for pleasure. When we are hungry, we get rewarded by eating for example. Concepts and beliefs can also be connected to it. That is why a religious person feels rewarded, when praising god.
Amygdala hijack
The Amygdala is the more primitive part of the brain located deep within the temporal lobes of the brain. It is responsible for memory/decision making and emotional reactions. When we touch a hot pan our immediate reaction will be to take our hand off the stove before we are even rationally aware of it.
An Amygdala Hijack is an immediate and overwhelming emotional response out of proportion to the stimulus because it has triggered a more significant emotional threat. As a result it interferes with the rational part of the brain. This leads to irrational behaviour and a lack of the ability to think about our actions before we act upon them. (image: reason is in jail, and amygdala is the keeper) When our amygdala is activated our body is flushed with the chemicals, adrenaline, cortisol and norepinephrine which help our body react to excitement or stress. The same chemicals that are released in the brain as the ones that try to ensure our survival in dangerous situations. In this defensive state, the more primitive part of the brain interferes with rational thinking and the limbic system can knock out most of our working memory, physically causing narrow mindedness.
We see this in the politics of fear, in the strategy of poker players, or simply when someone is stubborn in a discussion. No matter how valuable an idea is, the brain has trouble processing it when it is in such a state. On a neural level, it reacts as if we're being threatened, even if this threat comes from harmless opinions or facts that we may otherwise find helpful and could rationally agree with.
How to avoid it?
We can teach our prefrontal cortex to inhibit our amygdala and have a control over it. We can try analyzing the situation when possible, from a 3rd person perspective. Doing this repeatedly will strengthen the neural connections in the prefrontal cortex allowing us you have more control over our behaviour.
The left cerebral hemisphere is largely responsible for creating a coherent belief system, in order to maintain a sense of continuity towards our lives. New experiences get folded into the pre-existing belief system. When they don't fit, they are simply denied.
Being attached to beliefs can be very limiting. We can believe certain things just because we want to believe it rather than because it makes sense. There is no reason to be emotionally attached to beliefs. It is a flawed paradigm to be like that. Not being attached makes it easier for us to overwrite flawed beliefs.
Our belief system is what defines almost all of our actions. It defines who we are, it defines what we do, it defines what we think and how we react. It is not something that we chose.
It is said that wisdom comes with age, but with openness and skepticism, the key principles of the scientific method, we don’t need a lifetime of trial and error to sort out which of our convictions may be improbable. The question is not whether our beliefs are right or wrong, but whether or not being emotionally attached to them will benefit us. It is hard to speak of a free choice when you are emotionally attached to a belief system. The moment we are self-aware enough to realize this, we can let go and calculate the real odds of what will benefit us the most.
The spotlight effect
The spotlight effect is a well known cognitive bias. It is the tendency to think that oneself is in the center of attention of others. This is especially the case when one does something not typical.
We tend to think that people notice us more than it actually is the case. If we just think about how much we notice the appearance or the actions of others, we can easily see that we are overestimating how central we are in a group or in society. Realizing that can be very liberating as one starts caring less about what others think about him/her. Being aware of the spotlight effect can help to move through society much more freely and come closer to what we really are. The expectations of others are mostly just part of our imagination.
To give a simple example:
If you have a hole in your trousers and you go through the day, you constantly think that people notice it. Although this is not the case, you have the impression that everybody is watching you.This leads to stress and you breaking your head around it.
It makes sense when you think about it because just as you yourself don’t spend all that much effort and time scrutinizing the looks and behaviour of others, same applies to the extent that other people are doing this to you. It is similar to no longer having the urge to speak as much when you become aware that other people aren’t really listening. When we are trapped inside our head , we can easily lose perspective and care or worry about mental images that only exist in our own world.
Confirmation Bias
Confirmation bias is the tendency to just absorb the information that fits pre-existing beliefs, while disregarding information that goes against them.
People tend to absorb just the information that is in their advantage and shield off the information that confronts them. This leads to us holding on to dysfunctional beliefs and an inaccurate word view. Being aware of this can make us much more flexible and compatible with life.
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Reading a horoscope shows the effect of the confirmation bias very clearly. While reading horoscopes we tend to just recognize the information we identify with, while ignoring statements that don’t fit to us at all. As a result it leaves the impression that the stars can tells us how our relationship will go and explain why we have no success at work in this month for example.
Since it’s in our nature to deny ideas that do not fit into our current paradigm, the more attached we are to our beliefs, the less able we are to make conscious choices for ourselves. By observing this process, we can expand our awareness and free will.
Backwards Rationalization
When we're not being self-aware, most of our thoughts and actions are impulsive and the idea that we are randomly reacting and not making conscious choices is instinctively frustrating.
The brain resolves this by creating explanations for our behaviour and physically rewriting it into our memories, making us believe that we were in control of our actions. This is called backward rationalization, and it can leave most of our negative emotions unresolved and ready to be triggered at any time. They become a constant fuel to our confusion as our brain will keep trying to justify why we behaved irrationally.
In general, communication usually consists of: experiencing an emotion > speaking > thinking We start rationalizing after we speak and justifying why we said something.
Simply by switching around the process experiencing an emotion -> thinking -> speaking We’ll still be rationalizing our emotions but we are doing so in a more contained environment by thinking before we speak.
We cannot stop backwards rationalizing as it is an inherent process of how we function. Being aware that we are backwards rationalizing however helps us gain more control over our actions.
Emotional Intelligence
Our emotional intelligence defines how well we can understand our own emotions and have empathy for the feelings of others. Managing and mastering this skill it is crucial to grow as a person.
Someone that has a lot of emotional intelligence is more self-aware, empathic, has more willpower and is better at social skills.
Some also use it to manipulate people or to turn themselves into victims when they feel threatened. (image: “how dare you question my integrity?!”)
We need to practice seeing our thoughts and emotions as an observer. That's an ability that everybody has. Just as we look at other people, we can look at ourselves and our emotions and thoughts. The knowledge that we’re not our emotions and thoughts allows us to more easily overcome them and understand where they come from.
A lot of the people are running around with malicious software in their head, created by wrongly rationalized emotions. It is taking control over our feelings, building up emotional attachments. By being aware of our emotions, we have the ability to get rid of it. It will increases our potential and mental clarity since we’re not beating ourselves over them.
Inner Child
Our emotional core can be represented as an inner child. This child is speaking in emotions, it represents the more primitive part of our brain and has trouble to understand the more complex rational concepts. It sees everything more simple, and in a binary way, as good or bad.
The child desperately tries to find balance and peace by clinging onto a package of core emotions.
Our inner child is usually either in a state of constant fear, distrust or shielding itself in a bubble of comfort which inevitably is shattered sooner or later. These usual core emotions generate balance only for a short period of times. As a result the child causes a lot of inner conflict influencing the stability of our being. That’s why it is important to guide it to a core value which is able to provide the balance it craves for.
Showing the patterns, that brings about reality, can be trusted is the best way to calm the child down. Because these patterns are the most consistent thing we experience.
Being Happy
According to neuroscience, happiness is the consequence of our neural networks being in resonance with each other. We are happy when our brain experience hardly any dissonance.
Some have the illusion that their consciousness is what decides what they want. If it was the case, the only thing we would need is wanting to be happy...and we would be happy! But it's the subconsciousness that decides it. If we connect to our subconsciousness, we can understand how to be happy.
Being caught on the flaud idea of happiness as a goal takes you away from being happy. Happiness is a side-effect, a consequence of your lifestyle.
When we say: "I want to be happy", it's because of our lack of understanding of what happiness is. If we try to be happy, it goes against the balance of our consciousness. As a result, we become unhappy.
When we have happiness as a life's purpose, we are destined to hit a wall and be depressed or sad. We are creating a concept that can't resonate with the rest.
Very happy people don't know why they are happy. They just live a very fulfilled life, and as a result, they are happy. They are not chasing it!.
The true purpose is not happiness. It's moving forward, evolving, doing what is right. If our goal in life is to do what is right, we will be happy by doing it. Unlike having money, or comfort as a goal, we can't rock bottom. We can always do what is right according to our reference frame, without having the feeling of dropping out anything, and even get rewarded for it.
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For people that are not strong and feel worthless. Whenever someone has a false idea about them, they will still make it affects them. If we know who we are, we can't be affected by the opinion of others. If someone laughs at us, it won't affect us.Because we know what our worth is.
We can free ourselves from our environment by understanding it. Meditation is really good for that. Something as simple as the posture we take can help us gain confidence. Try to walk with the head straight! It can make the difference between a strong confident person and a sheep that is just the extension of its environment.
If we feel like life is not worth living, we need to understand why we have these ideas and thoughts. Maybe we were rejected by a cute girl in our childhood and we started reflecting that negativity to the world. Our emotions are controlling our thoughts. If we had a nice girlfriend and friends, we would not say that life is worthless. Life is worthless because WE feel worthless.
Sometimes, we are the reason of why we are lonely. For certain people, if they would meet a version of themselves, they wouldn't be able to stand themselves. How could they expect people to stand them? If we had a clone, would we trust the clone? Being able to trust ourselves is a good step.
Suicidal people that survived their jump from a bridge say that the moment they have jump and start falling, they felt like all their problems were suddenly solvable, except the one that they just made by falling down. We think we have all those problems, but in the eyes of death, things change. Being alive in our current society is a privilege, we have all that freedom, those luxuries. A lot of people in the world would love to trade with us. Don't throw that gift away!
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Memory Reconsolidation
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